Wasp Pest Control

You have probably seen their nests hidden away in holes in and around your home, near your garden sheds, or your compost heaps. They are the bright yellow pest that can ruin almost any sunny day, they are Wasps.

Attracted by many of the same foods we enjoy, wasps tend to gorge themselves on proteins and sugars. Usually, we like to believe these pests are just there for sweet food such as fruit, soda, or alcohol; but wasps seem to have a bigger palate for human food than just those!

Wasp pest control
Wasps nest removal

Wasps can also occasionally tuck into and make nests into things such as pieces of meat or deceased animals as well. So clearly, it is not just a food problem that attracts these yellow nightmares. Your best course of action then is to both avoid the wasps but also keep an eye on them to see where they are coming from. And when you know for sure, contact our pest control team and we will be happy to take care of them.

Wasps can generally be split into two different types. There are Solitary Wasps, who primarily nest and feed; as well as birthing larvae that grow into adult wasps. Social wasps are the common pest that stings you and fight like hell to keep you from their nest. The United Kingdom has often been named the country with widespread wasp attacks and infestation.


Common wasps will appear with the common yellow and black bodies. Wasps will usually have 2 pairs of wings on their body, as well as a thin-waist which allows them more mobility when flying. Worker wasps commonly grow to be 15 millimeters in size, whereas queens typically grow to be around 20. Only female wasps possess the stingers in the abdomen which the insect is so well known for.


Most wasps infestations are Social Wasp who build nests in the grounds, in trees, or inside of buildings or pre-existing structures. Typically, wasps will need to rebuild their nests yearly; though this number can change depending on the climate where the wasp finds itself. Queen wasps will typically be the only insect of the colony to survive the winter, and in the spring season, they hatch larvae and begin anew. Old nests are rarely if ever reused in the next year. A colony will usually consist of a single queen, and an army of sterile, worker wasps. Initial cells or combs are typically built by the queen when starting the nest, which is then extended and building upon by the workers. Wood fibres chewed by wasps are mixed with the saliva of the wasp and is the common building material for these nests; which can usually house upwards of 3000 to 5000 wasps. Some have grown as large to contain upwards of 20,000 wasps inside of it


Most wasps will typically make their home in the everyday surroundings you find yourself in. They can reside in both residential, as well as industrial buildings as convenient spots for them to build and grow their pulpy paper nests. They often choose more sheltered areas for these nests, hoping to provide added security. Some of the most common indoor spaces for wasps to make their homes can be attics, lofts, empty water tanks, unused windows, roof spaces, hallways, cisterns, or even warehouses. Outside, wasps can commonly be found nesting inside of window boxes, downpipes, gutters, sills, balconies, or porches. Damages inside of a home or building can also provide these pests with the things they need to begin nesting. Additionally, damages to your home such as loose tiles, leaking roofs, openings in walls, or broken windows can allow Wasps spaces to propagate and infiltrate your home.


Wasps, despite their sneaking nature, can be spotted fairly easily. A cursory glance will often reveal the wasps or their nests, and being vigilant will typically show you where they are hiding. It is advised that since wasps are active during the daytime, to watch them in the evening to avoid being stung. In the day, the swarms are audible and well visible, however; and will give you an inkling to where they have been nesting.

Health hazards

While a wasp has not been known to carry or spread an infection, it is a pest as well as a possible threat to your health. Wasps are easily aggressive creatures, commonly attacking people if they have been attracted by fruits or sweets. During the summer-time, they can often become a plague for food stands or kitchens, as they will commonly swarm the premises in search of food. Though not extremely common, allergies to wasps’ stings can be potentially life-threatening. Due to the venom of their stinging, wasps may lead to vomiting, breathing difficulties, faintness, diarrhea, and rashes. It is important that if you notice respiratory problems, faintness, facial swelling, itching rashes, cramps, or abominable pain that the person may be going into anapaestic shock and will require immediate medical assistance. Stings can commonly be treated with either a cold cloth or over the counter antiseptic and anti-inflammatory creams and lotions.


Wasps will commonly feed themselves on nectar, or sweet fruit once they become adults. This feeding is what causes their attraction to all types of foods which contain moderate to high amounts of sugar. One of the best methods of wasp prevention is to keep working and living areas clean, which means regularly cleaning them and removing any food residues. It is recommended to do this for closets or pantries which store food as well and to properly insolate any gaps, holes, or openings which can be utilised by wasps to enter inside.

Premium pest control service

While there are several consumer brand products that can help you take care of wasps, there is a danger to you as we have previously mentioned. Pest control services are your best bet against stopping this pest from infiltrating further into your home; and they can do so while making sure no one gets hurt. Get in touch with us today!

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Wasp Facts

Wasps live everywhere except Antarctica.

A wasp can sting over and over again.

Wasps make nests from paper. They chew up strips of bark and spit it out again to form a rough paper. Some wasps make nests in basements, sheds, or dark, cool places.

A queen starts a new colony each spring. She raises a few worker wasps first to make the nest larger and bring food. Then she starts laying eggs. A colony can grow to 50,000 wasps in one summer. and over again.

In the fall, all the wasps die except for a few new queens. The new queens spend the winter in an old log or burrow. In the spring, they make new colonies.

Wasp Pest Control – FAQ

What is wasp pest control, and why is it necessary?

Wasp pest control refers to the management and removal of wasp infestations from residential or commercial properties. It’s necessary because wasps can pose health risks and safety concerns, especially for individuals with allergies to wasp stings.

How can I tell if I have a wasp infestation on my property?

Signs of a wasp infestation include increased wasp activity around your property, the presence of visible nests, and sightings of wasps entering and exiting specific areas. If you suspect an infestation, it’s best to consult a professional pest control service for an inspection.

Is wasp pest control safe for my family and pets?

Yes, professional wasp pest control services are designed to be safe for your family and pets. Pest control experts use appropriate methods and safety measures to minimize risks during the removal process.

How much does professional wasp pest control cost?

The cost of wasp pest control can vary depending on factors such as the severity of the infestation, the size and location of the nests, and the pest control service provider. It’s advisable to request a quote from a local pest control company for accurate pricing.

Can I attempt to remove a wasp nest on my own?

Removing a wasp nest without the proper training and equipment can be dangerous. It’s recommended to hire a professional pest control service for safe and effective wasp nest removal. Attempting to remove a nest on your own can lead to stings and further aggravate the situation.